All Things Dock Diving!

  • Register With IDS

    Register With IDS

    New to IDS and want to get your dog or Junior Handler their unique IDS number so you can join in all of the fun?

    Complete the online form using the link below and your new IDS number will be instantly emailed to you.

  • IDS Documents

    Everything You Need To Know

    There is a lot to know before you start competing. What are the rules? How does the IDS title program work? What are the different divisions?

    Find everything you need in one place by visiting our Documents Page.

  • IDS Locations & Competitions

    IDS has dog sport venues all over! In fact, we add new locations constantly!

    Use the link below to locate the closest IDS facility to you. They will be happy to help you and your dog get started!

  • IDS Title Program

    IDS offers unique dog sport titles in many different dog sports. Your dog’s IDS # covers all of them. All of IDS dock diving scores are now recognized by ASCA. IDS even mails out beautiful hard copy title certificates for free.

    Learn more about how to become an IDS Champion today!


  • Welcome! First, find an IDS facility near you that can help introduce you and your dog to the sport. Next, register your dog with IDS and get your IDS Number. Lastly, sign up for an IDS event and be prepared to have the time of your life!

  • Check out the IDS Documents page which has everything you need to know in order to get started!

  • Simply search for it on the IDS # Look Up Page.

  • No worries! Simply search for it on the IDS Junior Look Up Page.

  • That’s an easy one! Find the IDS sport your want to view results for, from the website menu at the top of the website, to see all of your recorded scores, where your dog is ranked amongst other dogs in their division, and more!

    Dock Diving Results

    Frisbee Results

    Lure Chasing Results

  • Yes, we do! You can find the detailed title program information on the Documents page and use the results, listed on each sports’ webpage, to see how many points your dog has earned and more!

  • Yes! ASCA, the Australian Shepherd Club Of America honors all IDS dock diving scores towards their title dock diving title program. Find out more HERE.

    Also, IDS recognizes all Worldwide K9 Toss and Fetch League scores towards our frisbee title program. To learn more check out our Frisbee page.